Permitted development rights for camping in consultation
Mar 06, 2023
The Government is consulting on whether to introduce permitted development rights to allow up to 30 tents, for up to 60 days per year without planning consent. All with the objective to boost the economy and domestic tourism.
Hannah Moule, Director at The Rural Planning Co sets out her thoughts behind this proposal.
Shropshire Local Plan Review - Back to the Drawing Board?
Mar 06, 2023
On 15th February 2023 Shropshire Council published a letter from the Examination Inspectors which set out their findings following the stage 1 hearing sessions.
Hannah Moule, Director at The Rural Planning Co gives her thoughts on the letter.
Farm Planning - Think about your ultimate goal
Feb 28, 2023
Angela Cantrill, Planning Consultant at The Rural Planning Co recently worked with some clients near Broadway who ran a substantial farming business on rented land and buildings. Through no fault of their own they lost the access to the rented buildings. They retained the rented land and bought 60 acres but needed agricultural buildings to make the business viable.
Find out how following a longer term strategy meant that these clients achieved planning permission, not only for three agricultural buildings, but also for an Agricultural Workers Dwelling.
Winter Newsletter 2023
Feb 14, 2023
We are excited to launch our first newsletter for 2023.
Meet our team, learn about the changes at The Rural Planning Co over the last few years and plans for 2023!
If you would like to sign up to receive our newsletter please email your contact details to
Wychavon and Malvern Hills Land Supply Opportunities
Nov 17, 2022
Wychavon and Malvern Hills unable to deliver a five year housing land supply
Wychavon and Malvern Hills Local Authorities have been recently shown to not be able to deliver a five year housing land supply.
This opens up opportunities for landowners in certain locations to possibly bring forward sites for housing.
Read more here to find out if this may provide an opportunity for you.