Take a look at the range of Planning Projects and Approvals handled and achieved by our dedicated and talented team of Planning Consultants.
Residential Planning - Class Q
13/02/25 - Prior notification for the change of use of agricultural building to a dwellinghouse and associated building operations under Class Q, Devon
Lead Planning Consultant - Sally Moore and Isabel Gatier
Torridge District Council
Residential Planning - Rural Workers Dwelling
11/02/25 - Approval for a Rural Workers Dwelling, Shropshire
Lead Planning Consultant - Angela Cantrill
Shropshire Council
Residential Planning - Demolition of existing dwelling and replacement dwelling
10/02/25 - Demolition of the existing dwelling and erection of a self-build replacement dwelling and associated works, including revised vehicular access and installation of a ground source heat pump, Warwickshire
Lead Planning Consultant - Sally Moore
Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Rural Business Planning - Full planning for siting of canvas tipi
06/02/25 - Full planning application for siting of canvas tipi and associated landscaping (retrospective) in connection with nursery school, Wirral
Lead Planning Consultant - Adam Jones
Wirral Council
Residential Planning - Class Q
06/02/25 - Notification for prior approval for the proposed change of use of one agricultural building to two dwellinghouses (Class C3), Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant - Sally Moore
Malvern Hills District Council
Rural Business Planning - Change of Use
04/02/25 - Proposed change of use of land for the siting of one shepherds hut for holiday let, Nottinghamshire
Lead Planning Consultant - Sally Moore
Newark and Sherwood District Council
Equestrian Planning - Change of Use
04/02/25 - Change of use of land to equestrian and construction of associated track, fencing and alterations to gates, Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant - Sally Moore
Malvern Hills District Council
Agricultural Planning - CLEUD
28/01/25 - Certificate of Lawfulness of Existing Use or Development (CLEUD) for Erection of Agricultural Building, Nottinghamshire
Lead Planning Consultant - Sally Moore
Newark and Sherwood District Council
Residential Planning - Change of Use
24/01/25 - Notification for Prior Approval for the proposed change of use of an agricultural building to a dwellinghouse, Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant - Isabel Gatier
Malvern Hills District Council
Residential Planning - Certificate of Lawfulness
14/01/25 - Certificate of Lawfulness (windows and doors), Kent
Lead Planning Consultant - Adam Jones
Bromley London Borough Council
Agricultural Planning - Agricultural building with hardstanding
10/01/25 - Permission for Agricultural Building and associated hardstanding, Shropshire
Lead Planning Consultant - Angela Cantrill
Shropshire District Council
Equestrian Planning - Approval granted for equestrian facilities
08/01/25 - Erection of stable block and tack room, formation of manege and access track for private use to include change of use to equestrian, Shropshire
Lead Planning Consultant - Angela Cantrill
Shropshire District Council
Residential Planning - Additional room on extension
29/12/24 - Variation of condition on planning permission to add a boot room, Oxfordshire
Lead Planning Consultant - Adam Jones
Stratford on Avon District Council
Agricultural Planning - Agricultural Buildings
19/12/24 - Application for two Agricultural Buildings (spray and fertiliser shed and extension to drying shed), Warwickshire
Lead Planning Consultant - Angela Cantrill
Stratford on Avon District Council
Agricultural Planning - Agricultural Infrastructure - Irrigation Pools
18/12/24 - Prior notification for two irrigation pools for the purposes of agricultural irrigation, Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant - Sally Moore
Malvern Hills District Council
Residential Planning - Class Q
13/12/24 - Demolition of agricultural buildings and erection of 1no. dwelling as an alternative scheme to extant permission under Class Q Prior Approval for the conversion of the agricultural building to 1no. dwelling, Warwickshire
Lead Planning Consultant - Hannah Moule
Warwick District Council
Residential Planning - Removal of Agricultural Occupancy Condition
11/12/24 - Removal of Condition 5 (agricultural occupancy condition) or planning permission (1 bungalow), Pembrokeshire
Lead Planning Consultant - Adam Jones
Pembrokeshire County Council
Residential Planning - Class Q Change of Use from Agricultural to Residential
9/12/24 - Notification for Prior Approval for the proposed change of use of an Agricultural Building to one dwellinghouse (Class C3), Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant - Sally Moore
Wychavon District Council
Residential Planning - Application for Permission in Principle
3/12/24 - Application for Permission in Principle - Erection of 1no. dwelling and detached garage (following the demolition of 2no. existing dwellings), Shropshire
Lead Planning Consultant - Angela Cantrill
Telford and Wrekin Council
Residential Planning - Class Q Change of Use of Agricultural to Residential
02/12/24 - Change of Use of Agricultural Building to Class C3 dwellinghouses to form 1 dwellinghouse, Kent
Lead Planning Consultant - Hannah Moule
London Borough of Bromley
Residential Planning - Change of Use Class Q and Barn Conversion
28/11/24 - Application for Prior Approval for the Change of Use (Class Q) and for the conversion of a farm building to single dwellinghouse (Class C3), Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant - Sally Moore
Bromsgrove District Council
Residential Planning - Change of Use Class Q and Barn Conversion
26/11/24 - Prior Approval for the Change of Use (Class Q) and for the conversion of a farm building to single dwellinghouse (Class C3), Herefordshire
Lead Planning Consultant - Sally Moore
Herefordshire Council
Rural Business Planning - Building and associated facilities for dog training
22/11/24 - Proposed building for dog training, welfare and associated facilities including car parking area, Herefordshire
Lead Planning Consultant - Sally Moore with Isabel Gatier
Herefordshire Council
Agricultural Planning - Construction of Agricultural Building
21/11/24 - Full Planning Permission for construction of an agricultural building, Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant - Sally Moore
Wychavon District Council
Agricultural Planning - Appeal of New Agricultural Building
21/11/24 - Appeal granted for new agricultural building, Carmarthenshire
Lead Planning Consultant - Angela Cantrill
Carmarthenshire County Council
Residential Planning - Certificate of Lawfulness
05/11/24 - Certificate of lawfulness for the existing use and development of land for a C3 dwellinghouse, Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant - Angela Cantrill
Malvern Hills District Council
Agricultural Planning - Prior Approval for Agricultural Building and Access Track
29/10/24 - Notification for prior approval for erection of an agricultural storage building and access track, Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant - Sally Moore
Wychavon District Council
Residential Planning - Change of Use from Agricultural to Residential
25/10/24 - Application for determination as to whether prior approval of details is required - Change of use to Dwelling from barn, Lancashire
Lead Planning Consultant - Sally Moore
West Lancashire Borough Council
Agricultural Planning - New Agricultural Building and Track
21/10/24 - Removal of existing dilapidated buildings and erection of an agricultural building and associated access track, Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant - Sally Moore
Redditch Borough Council
Residential Planning - Change of Use of Agricultural Building to Dwelling
24/10/24 - Change of use of agricultural building to dwelling, with external alterations, parking, and garden, Derbyshire
Lead Planning Consultant - Isabel Gatier
Erewash Borough Council
Residential Planning - Non Material Amendment to permission
14/08/24 - Conversion of stone barn and replacement of metal barns to form dwelling. Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant- Justin de Vries
Cotswold District Council
Diversification Planning - Change of use application
09/08/24 - Change of use of land for the provision of a dog walking exercise field and hardstanding area for parking (retrospective). Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant- Sarah Matthews
Malvern Hills District Council
Agricultural Planning - Prior approval notification
05/08/24 - Notification for prior approval for a reservoir for agricultural irrigation.
Lead Planning Consultant- Angela Cantrill
Malvern Hills District Council
Equestrian Planning - Retrospective Planning
30/07/24 - Retrospective application for the construction of an equestrian building and associated concrete yard, Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant- Sally Moore
Bromsgrove District Council
Agricultural Planning - Prior approval application
25/07/24 - Prior notification application for erection of an agricultural storage building and hardstanding, Worcestershire.
Lead Planning Consultant- Sally Moore
Wychavon District Council
Rural Planning - Outline application for a permanent rural workers dwelling
23/07/24 - Outline application for a permanent rural workers dwelling and new access, with all other matters reserved. Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant- Angela Cantrill
Malvern Hills District Council
Rural Planning - Proposed rural workers dwelling
16/07/24 - Proposed rural workers dwelling for associated fresh produce business. Shropshire
Lead Planning Consultant- Angela Cantrill
Shropshire Council
Agricultural Planning - Engineering works to widen driveway
10/07/24 - Engineering works to widen the driveway and changes to adjoining embankment (retrospective ) Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant- Justin de Vries
Malvern Hills District Council
Agricultural Planning - Agricultural Building
10/07/24 - Erection of agricultural building hardstanding and track ( inc. discharge of conditions ) Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant- Sally Moore
Malvern Hills District Council
Agricultural Planning - Agricultural Building
12/06/24 - Erection of agricultural building and yard area. Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant- Sally Moore
Residential Planning - Certificate of Lawfulness
03/06/24 - Certificate of lawfulness for an existing use for change of use from private open land to private garden land. Shropshire
Lead Planning Consultant- Angela Cantrill
Shropshire Council
Residential Planning - Erection of 1 affordable dwelling.
06/06/24 - Erection of 1 affordable dwelling with 3 bay garage and storage above, formation of vehicular access and installation of package treatment plant. Shropshire
Lead Planning Consultant- Angela Cantrill
Shropshire Council
Land and Diversification Planning - Change of use for wellness activities.
30/05/24 - Change of use of land and lake for wellness and leisure activities, including installation of bridge and timber frame canopy, alterations to existing building and siting of container for office / refreshments and mobile sauna. Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant- Hannah Moule
Malvern Hills District Council
Residential Planning - Construction of garage
30/05/24 - Construction of detached garage and work space . Gloucestershire
Lead Planning Consultant- Justin de Vries
Residential Planning - Certificate of lawfulness
20/05/24 - Certificate of lawfulness for the existing use of building as an independent dwelling. Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant- Justin de Vries
Renewable Energy Planning - Discharge of condition 6
20/05/24 - Discharge of condition 6 regarding renewable/ low carbon energy generation measures on planning permission allowed at appeal. Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant- Justin de Vries
Malvern Hills District Council
Agricultural Planning - Agricultural building for the storage of machinery and hay.
16/05/24 - Agricultural building for the storage of machinery and hay, and hardstanding to form associated yard area. Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant- Hannah Moule
Wyre Forest District Council
Agricultural Planning - Class Q applications x 3
15/05/24 - Notification for prior approval for the change of use of agricultural buildings to Class C3 dwellinghouses to up to 5 dwelling houses. Bromley, Kent.
Lead Planning Consultant- Hannah Moule
London Borough of Bromley
Residential Planning - Certificate of Lawfulness
09/05/24 - Certificate of lawfulness for the proposed development of siting a mobile log cabin within the residential curtilage to serve as a granny annexe. Worcestershire.
Lead Planning Consultant- Sally Moore
Malvern Hills District Council
Agricultural Planning - Application for a Storage Building
08/05/24 - Construction of an agricultural storage building and associated track.
Lead Planning Consultant- Sally Moore
Wychavon District Council
Residential Planning - Reinstatement of the part of the dwelling house previously used for business.
08/05/24 - Reinstatement of the part of the dwellinghouse and garden area previously used as a pre-school back to the single dwelling house. Worcestershire.
Lead Planning Consultant- Sally Moore
Bromsgrove District Council
Glamping Planning - Discharge of Conditions Application
03/05/24 - Conditions 6 & & & - Landscaping and cooking area details. Shropshire
Lead Planning Consultant- Angela Cantrill
Newcastle Under Lyme District Council
Glamping Planning - Change Of Use For Holiday Lets Application.
02/05/24 - Change of use of land for the siting of up to 6no. holiday let units ( tents ) and ancillary works. Monmouthshire.
Lead Planning Consultant- Sarah Matthews
Monmouthshire County Council
Residential Planning - Certificate of Lawfulness Application.
25/04/24 - Certificate of lawfulness for the existing use of a building as one residential dwelling. Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant- Justin de Vries
Wychavon District Council
Agricultural Planning - Class Q Application
25/04/24 - Prior notification of a change of use from agricultural building to 1 no. residential dwelling ( Class C3) as defined in the town and country planning used order 1987 to include operational development. Gloucestershire.
Lead Planning Consultant- Hannah Moule
South Gloucester Council
Agricultural Planning - Agricultural track
23/04/24 - Application for a new agricultural track, Warwickshire
Lead Planning Consultant - Angela Cantrill
Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council
Agricultural Planning - Discharge of Condition 4 application
22/04/24 - Discharge of condition 4 (landscaping), Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant - Sally Moore
Wychavon District Council
Agricultural Planning - Class Q Application
19/04/24 - Notification for prior approval for the proposed change of use of an agricultural building to 2 dwellinghouses (Class Q3) and associated operational development, Gloucestershire
Lead Planning Consultant - Justin de Vries
Cotswold District Council
Land and Development Planning - Removal of Condition 4 Application
11/04/24 - Removal of condition 4 (landscaping) condition, to include the addition of solar & the creation of a new access, Staffordshire
Lead Planning Consultant - Justin de Vries
Stafford Borough Council
Residential Planning - Outline Application for One Residential Dwelling
10/04/24 - Outline Application for the construction of 1no. Detached Dwelling with all matters reserved, Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant - Justin de Vries
Wychavon District Council
Agricultural Planning - Agricultural Building Extension
27/03/24 - Application for an extension to an existing agricultural building, Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant - Angela Cantrill
Wychavon District Council
Agricultural Planning - Application for a Lawful Development Certificate.
27/03/24 - Application for a lawful development certificate (existing use ) to demonstrate the 10 year continuous occupation of the dwelling without complying to condition 6 (agricultural occupancy), Hertfordshire
Lead Planning Consultant - Angela Cantrill
Hertfordshire County Council / Welwyn Hatfield Council
Residential Planning - Temporary Rural Workers Dwelling
21/03/24 - Application for a temporary dwelling for a rural worker, West Berkshire
Lead Planning Consultant - Angela Cantrill
West Berkshire Council
Agricultural Planning - Change of Use of land to residential
22/03/24 - Change of use of land to residential within the curtilage of main farmhouse, Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant - Justin de Vries
Wychavon District Council
Agricultural Planning - Replacement Agricultural Building
14/03/24 - Replacement agricultural building for storage, Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant - Sally Moore
Wychavon District Council
Diversification Planning - Change of Use of Land for Holiday Lets
14/03/24 - Change of use of land for the siting of two cabins for holiday use as approved, and variation/removal of conditions, Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant - Justin de Vries
Wychavon District Council
Commercial Planning - Change of use of land to a day nursery
08/03/24 - Change of use of land to a day nursery (Class E (f)) siting of a cabin, parking and associated works, Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant - Sally Moore
Malvern Hills District Council
Agricultural Planning - Variation of condition for extension of time
06/03/24 - Variation of condition to extend temporary planning permission for a further 3 years, Devon
Lead Planning Consultant - Angela Cantrill
Mid Devon District Council
Agricultural Planning - Change of Use from Agricultural to Commercial
22/02/24 - Notification for prior approval for the change of use of an agricultural building to storage or distribution (Class B8), Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant - Angie Matthews
Malvern Hills District Council
Agricultural Planning - Erection of an Agricultural building
19/02/24 - Agricultural building for general purpose storage in connection with the farming operation. Primarily the proposal will be used for the essential storage of straw, Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant - Angela Cantrill
Wychavon District Council
Residential Planning - Change Of Use from Commercial to Residential
12/02/24 - Application to determine if prior approval is required for proposed change of use from one commercial building (Class E ) to 7 no. dwelling houses (Class C3) and associated operational development, Herefordshire
Lead Planning Consultant - Justin de Vries
Herefordshire Council
Residential Planning - Erection of a live/work unit
12/02/24 - Appeal of application for the erection of a live/work unit and associated works, Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant - Angie Matthews
Wychavon District Council
Residential Planning - Construction of Two Dwellings
12/02/24 - Construction of two dwellings (as the alternative to an approved Class Q application), Herefordshire
Lead Planning Consultant - Hannah Moule
Herefordshire Council
Residential Planning - Change of use of land
08/02/24 - Change of use of land to residential garden. Proposed extensions to dwelling. Gloucestershire
Lead Planning Consultant - Justin De Vries
Wychavon District Council
Residential Planning - Agricultural to residential, Class Q
08/02/24 - Conversion Of existing agricultural barn into one dwelling, Warwickshire
Lead Planning Consultant - Justin De Vries
Rugby Borough Council
Agricultural Planning - Agricultural Storage Building
01/02/24 - Erection of agricultural storage building, Worcestershire.
Lead Planning Consultant - Angela Cantrill
Malvern Hills District Council
Residential Planning - Agricultural Workers Dwelling
22/01/24 - Change of use of land for the siting of a 3 bedroom log caravan for occupation as an agricultural workers dwelling, Warwickshire
Lead Planning Consultant - Angela Cantrill
Warwickshire District Council
Residential Planning - Permanent Rural Workers Dwelling
19/01/24 - Permanent rural workers dwelling and associated works, Northamptonshire
Lead Planning Consultant - Angela Cantrill
West Northamptonshire Council
Equestrian Planning - Variation of condition
16/01/24 - Variation of condition to allow revised positioning of stables, Wiltshire
Lead Planning Consultant - Justin de Vries
Wiltshire Council
Residential Planning - Change of Use of Shepherd's Huts
11/01/24 - Change of Use of land for the siting of three shepherd's huts for holiday let use with car parking, Staffordshire
Lead Planning Consultant - Angela Cantrill
Newcastle Under Lyme Borough Council
Residential Planning - Certificate of Lawful Use or Development
11/01/24 - Certificate of Lawful Use or Development (CLEUD), West Midlands
Lead Planning Consultant - Sally Moore
Rugby Borough Council
Residential Planning - Class Q
09/01/24 - Prior approval for the conversion of an agricultural building to form 5 dwellings, East Staffordshire
Lead Planning Consultant - Hannah Moule
East Staffordshire Borough Council
Agricultural Planning - Change of use of agricultural land to form part of garden for dwelling.
21/12/23 - Change of use of agricultural land to form part of garden for dwelling, creation of parking and turning area and erection of means of enclosure, Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant - Sally Moore
Malvern Hills District council
Residential Planning - Temporary Rural Workers Dwelling
11/12/23 - Temporary Rural Workers Dwelling Discharge of Conditions Application, Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant - Angela Cantrill
Malvern Hills District Council
Agricultural Planning - General purpose agricultural building
11/12/23 - Proposed agricultural building for general purpose livestock and storage together with dedicated purpose built calf-rearing facility, Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant - Angela Cantrill
Malvern Hills District Council
Equestrian Planning - Change of use from farmland to equestrian
04/12/23 - Change of use from farmland to equestrian use, erection of barn for stabling, outdoor exercise areas and associated works, Oxfordshire
Lead Planning Consultant - Angela Cantrill
Cherwell District Council
Commercial Planning - Storage Containers
07/12/23 - Change of use of land for the siting of 43 self-storage containers, Herefordshire
Lead Planning Consultant - Sally Moore
Herefordshire Council
Renewable Energy Planning - Solar Panels
05/12/23 - Proposed installation of ground mounted solar panels, containers for the storage of inverters and batteries, connection cable and associated development, Herefordshire
Lead Planning Consultant - Justin De Vries
Herefordshire Council
Residential Planning- Amendment to the requirements of an agricultural occupancy restriction
29/11/23 - Application under S106 of the town and country planning act 1990 to discharge the requirements relating to the legal agreement associated with planning permission, Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant - Justin De Vries
Wychavon District Council
Rural Business Planning - Café extension.
28/11/23 - Proposed extension to the café which forms part of the Marina Welfare Facility, Warwickshire
Lead Planning Consultant - Justin De Vries
Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Agricultural Planning - Drainage Infrastructure
27/11/23 - Certificate of lawfulness of proposed development for the construction of an agricultural drainage ditch, Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant - Sally Moore
Malvern Hills District Council
Agricultural Planning - Agricultural Building
15/11/23 - Erection of an agricultural building, Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant - Angela Cantrill
Malvern Hills District Council
Residential Planning - Lawful Development Certificate
15/11/23 - Construction of a dwelling not in accordance with 2004/0470 for a period of continuous use in excess of 4 years, Lancashire
Lead Planning Consultant - Angie Matthews
Rossendale Borough Council
Equestrian Planning - Field Shelters
15/11/23 - Erection of 2 Field Shelters, Kent
Lead Planning Consultant - Angela Cantrill
Sevenoaks District Council
Residential Planning - Class Q
10/11/23 - Application for the prior approval for the proposed change of use of an agricultural building to 2 larger dwellings and 3 smaller dwellings (Use Class C3), Warwickshire
Lead Planning Consultant - Alistair Kent
Warwickshire District Council
Agricultural Planning - Re-site access
07/11/23 - Re-siting of an agricultural access, Hereford
Lead Planning Consultant - Angela Cantrill
Herefordshire Council
Residential Planning - Variation of Condition
06/11/23 - Variation of condition 2 on planning permission -repositioning of dwelling to screen neighbouring land, Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant - Justin de Vries
Wychavon District Council
Renewable Energy Planning - Change of use of agricultural land for the installation of solar panels
01/11/23 - Change of use of agricultural land for the installation of 8 ground mounted photovoltaic panels and associated infrastructure, Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant - Angie Matthews
Wyre Forest District Council
Equestrian Planning - Improvements to equestrian facilities
27/10/23 - Full planning approval to allow third party use of horse manège and stables, the extension and re-configuration of a stable block, siting of storage buildings and the erection of manège training mirrors, Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant - Angela Cantrill
Wychavon District Council
Equestrian Planning - Improvements to equestrian facilities
27/10/23 - Full planning approval for erection of post and rail fencing and gates around a horse manège, Kent
Lead Planning Consultant - Justin de Vries
Sevenoaks District Council
Residential Planning - Live Work Unit
26/10/23 - Full planning approval for erection of a live/work unit and associated works, Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant - Justin de Vries
Wychavon District Council
Rural Business Planning - Commercial Buildings
24/10/23 - Prior approval for change of use of two agricultural buildings to mixed use (using Class B2, B8 and E), Shropshire
Lead Planning Consultant - Justin Stevenson
Telford and Wrekin Co-operative Council
Agricultural Planning - Change of use
24/10/23 - Planning for change of use from agricultural land to garden land, Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant - Justin de Vries
Malvern Hills District Council
Rural Business Planning - Commercial Buildings
18/10/23 - Planning for change of use of an agricultural building/barn to Class E and Class B8 and associated works, Leicestershire
Lead Planning Consultant - Justin Stevenson
Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council
Equestrian Planning - Construction of equestrian facilities
12/10/23 - Full planning approval for construction of stable, equestrian surface and associated works, Warwickshire
Lead Planning Consultant - Angela Cantrill and Alastair Kent
North Warwickshire Borough Council
Residential Planning - Barn conversion
06/10/23 - Planning approval for the conversion of a brick barn to create a single dwelling house, West Midlands
Lead Planning Consultant - Justin Stevenson
Warwick District Council
Residential Planning - Barn conversion
06/10/23 - Planning approval for the conversion of a brick barn to create a single dwelling house, West Midlands
Lead Planning Consultant - Justin Stevenson
Warwick District Council
Rural Business Planning - Diversification
05/10/23 - Planning approval for the proposed construction of a solar panel array and associated equipment, Herefordshire
Lead Planning Consultant - Justin de Vries
Herefordshire Council
Agricultural Planning - Infrastructure
05/10/23 - Retrospective Planning Approval for erection of replacement gates and upgrading existing access, Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant - Angie Matthews
Wychavon District Council - M/23/00958/HP
28/09/23 - Retrospective Approval for the change of use of a tractor store and workshop to visitor accommodation, Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant - Justin de Vries
Malvern Hills District Council - M/23/00964/FUL
22/09/23 - Approval for proposed ditch for agricultural drainage purposes, Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant - Sally Moore
Malvern Hills District Council - M/23/01228/AGR
20/09/23 - Approval for change of use of land for the siting of a mobile home to use as a Temporary Agricultural Workers Dwelling, Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant - Angela Cantrill
Wychavon District Council - W/23/01294/FUL
19/09/23 - Approval for erection of a building for B8 use including access and associated works, Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant - Angie Matthews
Wychavon District Council - W/23/00817/FUL
25/08/23 - Prior Approval for the change of use of two agricultural buildings to Class B8 (Storage or Distribution) near Lower Quinton
Lead Planning Consultant - Alastair Kent
Stratford on Avon District Council - 23/01750/COUR
23/08/23 - Approval for Change of Use from grazing land to 5 Glamping Units, Staffordshire
Lead Planning Consultant - Justin de Vries
Stafford Borough Council - 21/35264/FUL
16/08/23 - Prior Approval for the proposed change of use of an Agricultural Building to 5 Dwellinghouses (Class C3), Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant - Justin de Vries
Wychavon District Council - W/23/00966/GPDQ
16/08/23 - Retrospective approval for installation of ground-mounted photovoltaic array, Gloucestershire
Lead Planning Consultant - Justin de Vries
Wychavon District Council - W/23/00794/FUL
08/08/23 - Certified - Lawful Development Certificate for an existing use on one dwelling not being constructed in accordance with planning approvals, Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant - Angela Cantrill
Wychavon District Council - W/23/00816/CLE
07/08/23 - Prior Approval for the proposed change of use of an Agricultural Building to one Dwellinghouses (Class C3), and associated operational development, Worcestershire
Lead Planning Consultant - Justin de Vries
Wychavon District Council - W/23/01281/GPDQ