Do you need help with your rural planning project? We are a team of planning consultants with over 160 years of strategic planning experience between them and genuinely passionate about development and growth in the rural, agricultural and farming sector.
Previously refused planning permission, our client received a recommendation to contact The Rural Planning Co. Their existing agricultural buildings were outdated, insecure and leaking. We successfully secured planning permission for a new, modern agricultural building and associated hardstanding. Our client was thrilled with the outcome!
Congratulations to Angela Cantrill, Senior Planning Consultant and Chris Buckland, Graduate Planning Consultant for their exceptional work on this project!

Adam Jones, Senior Planning Consultant, received this amazing review for an application to remove an Agricultural Occupancy Condition. Adam is a Chartered Town Planner (MRTPI) with considerable professional experience gained in planning consultancy and Local Planning Authority. He has successfully acted on behalf of major residential, commercial and renewable energy developers, as well as private individuals and small business owners.
Aren't sure what you need?
Call us to talk through your project and we can help you take the next steps.
Telephone us on 01299 667344
or email