Webinar: Expanding or building new slurry stores
This webinar is aimed at helping dairy farmers find the most appropriate path to expand or build new slurry storage and compliance. Covering regulations, grants, planning or permitted development and financing your project.
How to get planning for an agricultural or rural workers dwelling
We regularly get asked the question “Can we get planning for an agricultural or rural workers dwelling?”. There are specific ways to approach an application. Watch this webinar to find out if you are in a position to potentially get an agricultural workers dwelling.
3 things you must consider before starting or expanding your rural retail business
Have you ever thought of setting up a farm shop, café, vending machine or farm visitor attraction? Here are three things you must consider before starting or expanding your rural retail business.
Here is our FREE joint webinar with The Business Barn. The Rural Planning Co we were joined by industry experts Appetite Me and Folk2Folk who be shared their advice!
How to get agricultural buildings without planning permission
On this webinar we will be sharing our expertise on how you can grow your business and make the most out of your 'permitted development rights' to gain more shed space on your farm. This webinar includes a 10 minute Q& A session with shed builder, Matt Price, who will answer your practical shed building questions.
*Please note that our prices for Permitted Development applications have changed, contact us for up to date pricing.