The delivery of new housing in the UK is firmly focused on urban areas however, it is important for the future survival of our rural villages and hamlets that we achieve sustainable growth in the countryside too. Shropshire is a rural county: agriculture and other rural businesses are important for the local economy as they provide places for people to live, while also helping to protect and support local businesses.
The introduction of permitted development rights for the change of use of agricultural buildings to dwellings and the build your own affordable home scheme have been a successful vehicle for delivering new rural housing in Shropshire over recent years. A number of on-farm opportunities for residential development exist. Permitted development rights allow the conversion of up to 450m2 of suitable agricultural buildings to up to three dwellings on-farm.
There are still opportunities for the residential conversion of traditional buildings considered to be a heritage asset and the conversion of existing rural buildings for sustainable live-work proposals; perhaps if you’re planning a diversification enterprise that needs new commercial floor space. The traditional route to new on-farm dwellings has always been the agricultural need for farm workers; particularly on livestock farms for animal welfare reasons. This is also available to other types of rural businesses that can demonstrate an essential need for workers to live on-site throughout the year.
For start-up businesses there is the temporary dwelling option. This option permits the siting of a caravan or log cabin-type structure on-site for a period of three years while the business is establishing itself. The aim is to be able to justify a permanent dwelling at the end of this time period. For older children wanting to stay and work at home, extensions and annexes to existing residential properties could be an option. Positioning a caravan in the garden could also offer a housing solution, providing the use remains ancillary to the farmhouse, and might just get them from under your feet until they want their washing done!
As a side note, it's worth bearing in mind that most new residential developments in Shropshire are liable for Community Infrastructure Levy and affordable housing contributions.
While the process is not always straightforward there are solutions to the alleviate potential planning problems. To discuss your options contact Angela Cantrill on 01299 667344
Author: Melanie Holt